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Took you long enough to find the rubber cockroach....

Suburban Kamikaze

Yes, but we're more organized now.



I'm crossing my fingers that this works out for you, this Year of the Drawer. It hasn't worked for me yet but maybe this year it will take and the rest of the heathens that live with me will begin to appreciate an organized space.

Suburban Kamikaze

I know it's ambitious, but it's not crazy. The Year of the Closet would have been crazy. And yes, some of the things I took out of the drawer are still on the stairs, (sunglasses, charging cords, earbuds) waiting for the children to put them away in some other drawer, somewhere else, but that doesn't mean the Year of the Drawer has been a failure, no matter what Mr. Kamikaze says.


Audubon Ron

I know, I know, the Little Woman is always trying to get in my drawers.

Suburban Kamikaze

A little rearranging can be a good thing in a marriage. Unless I'm wrong. In which case you should probably just vacuum once in a while.


Sarah B.

I need to attack my attic. I fear it. Because my mother 'gifted' me all the stuff from HER attic when she cleaned it out, and now my mother's hoarding tendencies are invading my home. But if you can attack an entire basement drawer in a home with teenagers, surely I can face my attic……

Suburban Kamikaze

How bad can it be? It is Day 2 of Year of the Drawer and no one has left a half-eaten bagel or a knot of broken shoelaces in my freshly organized drawer. Anything is possible.



It's the year of the garage here. It will take more than the week it took you for the year of the drawer. One advantage, we have no stairwell and leaving stuff out on the swale practically guarantees someone will take it. Hey, maybe I should just leave the garage door OPEN!

Suburban Kamikaze

Like a garage sale where you don't have to talk to anyone. Perfect.


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