I don't like to complain, but when I heard that there was more snow in the forecast this week, my first thought was [expletive deleted].
My next thought was also profanity laced, but it was more along the lines of, "of course." It's February. In this part of the world, that means snow. Or ice, or possibly just life-threatening wind chill temperatures. Whatever.
As Midwesterners are fond of saying, it's the days like this that make you appreciate the muddy, grey chill of the coming Midwestern spring even more. This is what is known in the Midwest as "perspective." The winter-hardy people of the plains are famous for it, along with something called "green bean casserole," which is a dish people make when they have completely given up.
Click here if you want to read more weather-related grievances. Click here if you would prefer your weather-related grievances with a side of cheesecake. Click here if you have had it with weather-related grievances.
Remember, you will always have a warm, welcoming place to land in sunny Miami with a swimming pool just outside your door, fresh coconut water from the trees in the backyard and plenty of rum to mix into it.
Posted by: Josie de Varona | February 04, 2014 at 08:07 AM
The munching icicle teeth are perfection.
Everything else I would write in comment includes so many redacted expletives that they cannot be construed as sentences.
Posted by: MommyTime | February 04, 2014 at 10:25 AM
Imagine the sentences we could write while drinking rum and coconut water in Josie's back yard.
Posted by: Suburban Kamikaze | February 04, 2014 at 10:55 AM