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I absolutely LOVE it!

And some of my confessions "might" be exactly the same.

Helene Cohen Bludman

So funny!


Very funny! And absolutely true. My confession is "I actually don't mind driving you to school if you miss the bus, but feel like I have to pretend to be annoyed or you'll end up irresponsible, jobless and living in a refrigerator box." Looking forward to meeting you at Erma.

Suburban Kamikaze

So many confessions, so little remorse.

I wish I was going. (Erma Bombeck writing conference) I discovered all of you after it was already sold out. Next year...


Miss Spoken

In my world, confession #1 relates directly to confession #6. Throw in a brick of aged cheddar and it's a done deal.

Suburban Kamikaze

Pray we never have to choose between cheese and our family members.


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