People are always asking me, "Suburban, how do you do it?"
Because from the outside, it does not really seem possible to eat cheese and crackers at your desk while applying a top coat to your manicure. And I won't lie to you: there are crumbs stuck to a couple of my nails.
But the point is, I'm not going to stop multitasking just because it's messy. Life is messy. So sure, while I did spend a few minutes indulging in workspace envy over the Tumblr images of Where Bloggers Blog, I have to wonder: do people really get anything done in those tidy, color-coordinated Martha Stewart-esque workspaces? Also, where the fuck are my scissors?
I need to clip this recipe for lobster pasta with yellow tomatoes and basil out of the newspaper before I realize I am never, ever going to make lobster pasta with yellow tomatoes and basil.
Photo: Where bloggers do their nails.
Who knew Heather Poole was a cat? Or that there is a blog called Clark Kent's lunchbox? Or Why The Bloggess keeps the head of a deer on her desk? Frankly, there are things about where people blog from that I would have been better off not seeing (I'm looking at you Laughing Squid and Liz Henry). However, having seen the world from the surprisingly straight and stationary chair of the SK, crumbs and polish notwithstanding, I can tell you magic beyond illusion happens there. Perhaps it is the chair, or the view of coyotes as big as bears (not shown) who roam as comfortably in her front yard as they do at Four Corners. I can't tell you the source. But I am sure it has less to do with the where than the who. Then again, I always lose at Clue and Algebra is just a word to me, so what do I know? Happy Birthday SK. And many many more.
Posted by: nthnglsts | September 14, 2013 at 08:25 AM
I would definitely read a blog called Clark Kent's lunchbox, unless it was written by Clark Kent, who never struck me as much of a reporter.
As for the Bloggess, she keeps many dead and stuffed things around. She has a whole side thing in taxidermy which is brilliant. You get all the Internet pet traffic but you don't have to take care of an actual pet. Way smarter than using rabbits to get out of having to buy your kids a dog.
Thank you for the birthday wishes, and especially for the birthday wine, which, just like last year, is a perfect fit.
Posted by: Suburban Kamikaze | September 14, 2013 at 09:38 AM