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Executive Suburbanite

But don't you like my use of A, B and C? I clearly made my own case. No glitter required.


I may just have to send this post to MY friends. Lazy and uncreative in "this" circle means that the nicest thing you get is a text saying Happy Birthday. Otherwise, they all send their wishes via Facebook...all while knowing I NEVER check Facebook.

Happy Birthday. Enjoy that virtual bottle I sent! ;-)

Suburban Kamikaze

A) You might need to do a little more hint-dropping Gigi. (See above reference to glitter-enhanced birthday cards. B) Be careful with the hint dropping. Some BFFs will use this as an excuse to grant your wish, but in a way that makes you regret it. And C) I admit, Executive, you make a very strong case for wine. I was kind of on the fence until I realized the alternative was not wine.



A)This would have seemed like a much more creative idea to you if you had written this post while drinking the wine.
B)I can't think of the ideas AND carry them out. Sheesh!
C)We are doing a book club for the executive suburbanite. October is your month... I just made that up but still...

Suburban Kamikaze

A) I just sent her a book. B) That is actually a pretty good idea. C) Not that I'm surprised or anything. D) Gigi's friends need to step up a little.



A) Gigi needs to ditch her friends and B) Move to wherever you ladies are (unless it's cold - that's a deal breaker) and C) hang out with y'all on a permanent basis.

Suburban Kamikaze

A) Some of us live in Chicago, where it snows indoors about half the year. B) The rest of us live in Postcardlandia.



Love your birthday gift and am slightly envious.

Suburban Kamikaze

It's like having a birthday every month. http://www.wine.com Now, who is sending the cheese and crackers?



Actually it is just a nagging countdown for you to keep track of the passage of time til the next wonderful day that marks another year. Wow that came out negative.

Suburban Kamikaze

I am having a hard time seeing how marking the passage of time with good wine could be a negative. Then again, I am pretty sure I am aging backwards, so it may be the product of delusional thinking.


Executive Suburbanite

I've decided I'm a regular Benjamina Button. In no time at all, I'll be a teenager again.

Suburban Kamikaze

Oh god. The teenage years are so hard. All that pressure, all that texting! The endless chores you have to forget to do. There is never anything good to eat! Why is everyone trying to ruin my life? I hate you! I'm hungry.


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