My hairdresser is sizing up the damage that time and lazy grooming have inflicted on the beautiful head of hair she created for me only weeks ago. She mixes hopes, dreams and a little magic into secret color formulas. Her clients leave feeling like Bond girls.
"What are we doing today?" she asks, as if she doesn't know exactly what is called for.
"I would never interfere with your professional judgement," I say, "just mix the formula for hot, but smart; hip, but not trying too hard; sexy, but in a way that leaves my professional credibility undiminished; eye candy, but eye candy with authority. Eye candy that gets the raise. Which formula is that?"
"We call it 'mid-life crisis,' " she says.
from the beauty archives: The Underachiever's Guide to Mommy Chic
I dye the gray hair in my eyebrows. I fear Sam Waterston eyebrows.
Posted by: elizabeth middleton | August 29, 2013 at 07:33 AM
I refuse to dye anything that can be shaved off and bedazzled.
Posted by: Suburban Kamikaze | August 29, 2013 at 09:36 AM
I'm totally stealing your lines and saying them to my hairdresser...just so I can see how he responds.
Posted by: Gigi | August 29, 2013 at 03:56 PM