Another Mother's Day is almost here. Go ahead, pretend to care. We see right through your shabby little arts and crafts efforts. Who do you think is going to have to vacuum all that glitter spilling out from your sticky tribute? Who is in charge at that preschool anyway? Just kidding. You're adorable.
Whatever, middle schoolers. You can't buy us off with some cheap chocolate your dad bought for you at the last minute just because you can't drive and you don't have any money. You think we don't know what you tweet about us? Well, we don't actually. We are too busy trying to get that smell out of your bedroom.
Just kidding. We know you care.
OMG high schoolers! You are going to clean the house for us? That is so sweet, even if you are the ones who made it such a mess in the first place. There is nothing as satisfying as the smell of cleaning products and burnt toast on a Sunday morning. Unless it is the smell of cleaning products and burnt toast accompanied by the sounds of a protracted argument over who has to do the vacuuming. Why should you have to do it anyway? It's not like you are going to do a good job. You can't even make toast. Who is going to eat that?
Seriously though, keep it simple. Last year's 11-course champagne brunch was lovely, but a little over the top.
I am only joking. It really is the thought that counts. I am not sure whose mom said it first, but it is just as true today as it was then, or whenever.
The best gift is a hand-made Mother's Day card, sent from overseas -- not because of the card itself, but your ability to fan it smugly while your coworkers and friends complain that their grown kids didn't even call. And an added bonus if another mother wells up when you show it to her. Straight from my mother's lips, sweartagawd.
Posted by: Kana | May 08, 2013 at 12:54 PM
Seriously, you shouldn't have...
Posted by: Suburban Kamikaze | May 09, 2013 at 05:32 AM