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Oh dear god! It sounds (and looks) like my house!!!!!

And I have to ask....am I (and you) the only ones who actually DO anything around here?

Don't answer that. I already know the answer. *sigh*


OMG! The scene on your kitchen table is exactly why Al Gore invented the internet.

Suburban Kamikaze

I'm pretty sure the Internet was invented so people would stop reading newspapers and get all their news from Lindsay Lohan's Twitter feed.



Our house is also in the state you describe.

However, I think the photo "evidence" might be doctored. It is clearly a photo that should be titled "Graduate School, Sunday 1996." You can't fool me: there are bagels and cream cheese tucked under one of those stacks. And the happy, carefree readers of all that newspaper have just stepped into the kitchen to pour themselves a third cup of hot coffee that they will drink to the end while it is still hot because no child will spill it or distract them (for three hours) mid-sip.

Now, if there were some glitter-related art on that table too? Or yellowed newspaper from two years ago at the bottom of the "to file" stack? Or somebody's lunchbox leftovers from last Tuesday? Or a note scrawled in crayon to a teacher on the back of a mostly-clean half-sheet of paper? THEN, I would buy the evidence.

Suburban Kamikaze

Glitter art and lunchbox scraps are KEEPSAKES compared to what teenagers leave lying around the house. It is the difference between what you might unearth in the basement of MoMA - versus what you might unearth in the basement of a crime lab. You're going to want to use gloves.



"I'm pretty sure the Internet was invented so people would stop reading newspapers and get all their news from Lindsay Lohan's Twitter feed."

Nice. Very nice.


Let's see Lindsay Lohan's Twitter Feed do this! http://www.yesterdaysnews.com/

Suburban Kamikaze

I think you have just written the newspaper industry's next advertising campaign.


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