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Oh, isn't he cute.....as if children EVER do what we deem as acceptable.

Suburban Kamikaze

His perspective is a little skewed by the fact that much of what the suburban man finds acceptable is what teenagers do anyway.



I didn't say the F word until I was 43. I learned it from my daughter.
I like how the F word can be used as a verb, a noun, an adverb, whatever. The little fucker is so malleable.
It pops out all the fucking time now. You'd think I was a middle schooler the way I talk.

Suburban Kamikaze

I pretty much ruined it for the children after I explained to them how to use it in 17 parts of speech and 12 different tenses. Now they couldn't give a fuck.


Audubon Ron

Dimly-lit parking garages are pretty scary places to be. Just sayin' but I got a 9mm Glock 19 as the best firearm to hide under the seat. A 40 cal Glock 19 would be better. Hollow point ammunition makes sure the bullet does not go through the target, but stays in and doesn't hit someone behind.

Now, on your use of the F word - REALLY! REALLY! You're a mother for heaven's sakes!

Suburban Kamikaze

Which is why I try to use it correctly.


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