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Josie de Varona

You never fail to make me laugh. Thanks.


You know, we were warned that teenagers could eat you out of house and home AND drive you completely crazy at the same time.....but we really didn't believe that those sweet little babies we held would do that to us, did we?

Now it's up to us to warn those with little ones and, somehow, make them believe us.

Suburban Kamikaze

No one is ever going to believe that singing has brought us to the brink of war.

I can hardly believe it myself and I am trapped on the front lines.


Executive Suburbanite

The dishes left out, towels on floor, piles of clothes on floor, is mind-boggling. Today she walked right past mail on the floor and did not see why she was responsible for picking up. Husband is really no better. Finally, because he knew I was pissed, he "helped" me by unloading the clean dishwasher--the daughter's chore. Gee, thanks for making our daughter's life easier.

Suburban Kamikaze

But they're so cute when they're sleeping. Husbands, I mean.



Now I know why my tv room looks like an occupy camp in NYC

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