We are pretty sure it is Father's Day, but no one has remembered to check.
It was not the kind of thing I should have delegated to teenagers probably.
Still, Mr. Kamikaze is not my father, so there's no reason for me to to feel bad about him spending the morning repairing my computer. Midmorning has him out in the driveway adjusting the basketball hoop for the girl and by late morning he is re-mowing the lawn to take back the swath of property that Boy, Esq. has been ceding to the neighbors a few inches at a time in a plot to shrink the backyard.
But today is Father's Day, possibly, and so we are here to pay tribute to Mr. Kamikaze as the sovereign of a small, volatile and highly demanding kingdom in the Midwestern suburbs. But first, the upstairs air conditioner is on the fritz and he will have to take a look.
We are a high-maintenance family, it's true. But would he have it any other way? We prefer to think not.
That does not mean his day will go unacknowledged. As part of a longstanding tradition, I offer to make one of his favorite meals, which I will reinterpret as a vegetarian dish, or tapas, or possibly by substituting wine and olives for all of the ingredients on whichever one of his mother's tattered old recipe cards he has pulled out in a rare outburst of hope.
You can hardly read them anymore. It looks like it says "spare ribs" but it could be tahini.
Bossy has a great olive recipe. It involves dumping them out of a jar and, you know, eating them.
Posted by: BOSSY | June 19, 2011 at 03:06 PM
I am totally going to try that. We worship the olive here at SK Enterprises Inc. And by "we" I mean those of us who do not worship Pop-Tarts or meat-related products - factions which, sadly, account for 3/4 of the Kamikaze clan.
Which reminds me, I owe you the equivalent of a first-born child for those almond-stuffed olives you gave me. I would send you my actual first-born child, but that is no way to show gratitude, trust me.
Posted by: Suburban Kamikaze | June 19, 2011 at 03:47 PM
As my recent post states,which you never read, "So What, It's Father's Day." However, if you have a father that is sincerely a pleasure to be near, then yes, recognize him.
I would recognize Mr. SK merely for his abundance of power tools. But, that's me.
And on this Father's day, guess what, I get to rescue yet another abandoned cat days before it would have died from starvation. I have named him Poppy, his coat is as orange as a California Poppy.
Posted by: Audubon Ron | June 19, 2011 at 07:24 PM