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Audubon Ron

When you guys get to wearin' dirndl's, wake me up.


Regarding midwestern drinking habits: my brother is in the restaurant business in Las Vegas. 14 years ago he spent a year in Chicago opening a new restaurant. He LOVED the city, but said that he had never seen people drink more hard liquor, midweek, at lunch, in his life. Sounds like my kind of people. Must I wear the apron?


It's a good thing you had those margaritas first, in fact, since we were waaaaay ahead of you--dipping into our second pitcher of sangria--by the time you'd arrived. Just think if you'd met up with us while you were stone cold sober and your tongue wasn't wearing the memory of a recent sip of something tasty...it might have been too much to bear.

Also, what do you think it would take REALLY to convince Foolery to join us in the midwest? Promises of no aprons required? Foolery? Care to weigh in?

Suburban Kamikaze

I'm pretty sure the aprons are mandatory. I tried to wear one as an ironic gesture once and was repeatedly complimented on it by women who wanted to know where I bought it. Major irony fail.

But it is also the only place I've ever been offered a real drink at a kid's lemonade stand, so yeah...



Good for you for not falling prey to the bait.
Next time just give her a shot with the worm, see if she's a big girl and can wolf it.


I had no idea people wore aprons to impromptu mid-day margarita parties. Where do you even buy aprons?

Suburban Kamikaze

I got mine at Bed, Bath and Beyond Irony.


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