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Leslye Queen

Hey! My daughter has those same polka dot sheets! And hers are also in the laundry basket waiting to be folded! Does this mean that, in spite of my abuse of exclamation marks, I'm almost as cool as SK?
Seriously, though, I enjoy your blog and your commentaries on NPR.

Suburban Sheepdog

We'll be watching the Oscars here, despite the fact we have seen only about 14% of the movies involved. This will in no way discourage us from having strong opinions about all the entries -- just another way in which we here are like members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

As for your adoring blog fans -- let them eat cake. Or read less funny, more gun-filled blogs (just sayin'). Write when you please.

But I do think there's one thing your loyal readers really do demand to know:

Whose camouflage underpants are those you have so carefully staged on top of the laundry basket?

Audubon Ron

Anyone, or body for that matter, who folds laundry with a Manhattan in her hand shouldn't have complaints. Think of all the poor people in laundry mats all over America who have to settle on a Bud Lite.

I would often tell my Ex on Oscar night when she turned every TV on in the house, "I got an Oscar for ya."

Of course, that would have to wait until the following Thursday night, which was the usual allotted time to prepare the stationary bike.

Suburban Kamikaze

If you bought those sheets Leslye, you are exactly as cool as I am. Though I'd have to see your kitchen towels and table linens to be absolutely sure.

I would tell you those were my camo underwear Sheepdog, but that sort of thing would constitute an outrageous come-on in the gun-loving world and I'm pretty sure Mrs. Sheepdog would kick my ass.

That sort of banter, Audubon, is romantic comedy gold. I do hope you're working on a screenplay.



I don't know. The SK has an obligation to her fans to post pretty regularly now. Those days of writing when she pleases are gone. There are paying subscriber(s) to her blog on Amazon and I'm pretty sure they aren't just donating their $.99 per month you know. As to the sheets, if they are de la Renta you can probably pair them with pearls for the Oscars. After the no match shoes Helena Bonham Carter wore at the Golden Globes, I'm pretty sure anything goes as long as it is 300 count...



I could write an entire screenplay in one sitting with a deadline for something else hanging over me. ME TOO! But probably not at any other time.

On the matter of Oscar attire, I have personally discovered that anything sparkly in the neck region is a very fine distraction from the lounge pants that are de rigeur if one is planning on snacking enough to stay awake throughout the entire Oscars. (The only reason celebrities don't need snacks is that they are wearing undergarments so tight that it takes all their concentration just to breathe enough not to pass out.)

Executive Suburbanite

Mr. Executive's response to your comment about writing a screenplay better than Inception: "Do it then." He knows full well, like we all do, that this is another one of those SK all-talk, no-action moments that Mr. Kamikaze is so familiar with.

Suburban Kamikaze

If only better than Inception were the goal, we'd all have screenplays, dahling. But I am reading Tom Stoppard - a cure for delusions of talent if ever there was one. Perfectly brilliant. I may never write another word.



Speaking of car chases..."He [Stoppard] also does uncredited script-doctoring on Hollywood movies, "about once a year": most recently he worked on Paul Greengrass's The Bourne Ultimatum."


It's like a nightmare within a nightmare within a dream. No?

And actually, the original Inception may well have been--Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, if you think about it, which I haven't, since 10th grade English.

Just keep spinning your pen. Just so you know it's all real.

Suburban Kamikaze

I suppose I owe Inception's author an apology now. Probably has three in the drawer the Swedish Academy would swoon over, but which instead will be hacked up for spare parts in the next blockbuster-action-alien 3D thriller. Starring Sandra Bullock.


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