Feb 1: The snow is thigh high in places and we are dangerously low on Cotes du Rhone.
There is talk of having to drink the chardonnay, but we pray it does not come to that.
Outside, the hearty Midwestern people shovel the snow from one side of their houses to the other, and back again, in a ritual it seems even they do not fully understand...
Inside, the middle school girls have tracked in enough snow to build a sledding ramp.
I am haunted by daughters.
From the winter archives: I shouldn't have done it
Cotes du Rhone? Like Domain Brusset from the Cotes du Rhone "region"?
Oh not another Sommelier in my life.
Cranberry is a very becoming color on you.
Posted by: Audubon Ron | February 03, 2011 at 02:02 PM
How many years have you spent in the Midwest? By now you should know to run out for provisions before big storms hit.
Gas, grocery and a liquor store run are essential to survival, you know.
And when they're calling for a "snowpocalypse," you need to add schnapps for coffee to your survival kit.
Think warm!
Posted by: Seriously, Jess | February 04, 2011 at 05:06 AM
This was my first winter. Or so the natives tell me. The other four were not officially sanctioned Chicago winters. There's some sort of formula that involves the number of people who abandon their cars on Lake Shore Drive and begin walking to Miami.
Posted by: Suburban Kamikaze | February 04, 2011 at 06:19 AM