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The photo accompanying this post is priceless...or as an old high school friend on FB says...'This photo is pricelist.' And who am I to make fun? She was right. It really was pricelist.

Living in Germany gives me full priviledges to agree with everything you've said here.

And I resent that you think I've had to look up the spelling of 'priviledges.' Rude. Even after two glasses (hahaha...three) of wine I can spell just fine.)

Priv-il-edges. Priv-il-edges.

Suburban Kamikaze

You've given it a little something extra. An edge, even. And that, of course, is pricelist.


Suburban Sheepdog

As you may recall - once your synapses thaw - the stages down here are a little different:

1. Jubilation

2. Deep closet jacket rescue

3. Pressure cleaning

4. Window opening

5. Picnicking

Just sayin'

Suburban Kamikaze

I remember. I had to carry a little sweater everywhere.



Photo credit needed. Absolutely pricelist! Of course the five stages of winter here are a bit different.
1. Hot
2. Hot
3. Chilly? Get a jacket, no, false alarm. Hot
4. Hot
5. Hot
I don't even own boots. Tedious, really.

Suburban Kamikaze

A Rick McCawley photo of course. His glass is always half full.



I am in the profanity stage this weekend, as my son's new basketball hoop was just delivered yesterday afternoon and needs assembling NOW NOW NOW, and my husband is out of town until tonight, and today's high will be 12, and even in our garage with the door closed, that does not translate to anything like comfortable, and so when you hear swearing, just know it is me, swearing at the screwdriver that refuses to do its job while being held by mittens.

Audubon Ron

Is it too late to comment?

I am so impressed with you. Even your wine drinking has gone green. The earth just went one degree colder b/c of you even while you deny winter.

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