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Executive Suburbanite

"What's for dinner" in my house can be found in the drawer below the phone, which contains all the takeout menus.


I concur. That's why God made cereal and milk jugs -- the big ones.

Audubon Ron

Whoa girl, good thing there is nothing in that pan. You need to clean that oven.


You didn't come home from WI full of ideas? Theme dinner - SK tailgates, with beer and brats!
Or, panel a room (knotty pine), put up a couple of deer heads (antlers preferred), set up a heavy wooden table complete with cigarette burns, lay out the pickled eggs, fried cheese curds and Jagermeister and you've got Northwoods bar night at the Kamikaze household!

Suburban Kamikaze

This has Thanksgiving 2010 written all over it.


Seriously, Jess

OMG, Sue, it's like you must've been peeping through my dining room windows last night!

That's a typical Monday night for us!


What a coincidence; that's exactly what we're having tonight!

Fun blog; glad I stumbled upon it!


I've made that dish plenty of times. For some reason, I never seem to tire of preparing it.

PS-Cute apron.

Suburban Kamikaze

From nothing grilled to nothing baked, the appeal lies in its endless variations.


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