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When you're finished with that "necklace" can I use it for my curtain tiebacks?


You look exceedingly hip in that photo. If I didn't know that from the neck up, you are a mom with a brain, I would certainly assume based on this shoulders-down photo that you are some kind of clubbing fashionista.

Suburban Kamikaze

That is the magic of the $5 accessory/curtain tieback table... combined with the little buzz of having been a source of embarrassment to a couple of middle school divas.


Cindy Goodman

Tell me you weren't shopping at Forever 21!

Suburban Kamikaze

It felt like Nordstrom's after an hour in Aeropostale and Hollister.



The only time I've ever been to a Forever21 was (of course) with my daughter. They buyers must have been going through a black phase and the clothes were actually pretty sharp. I didn't buy anything because sometimes you know you just don't belong.


All I can say is curtains in SoBe must be flapping because those "tie-backs" are all the rage here. You are lucky you have girls. Very literate response in comparison to the responses of certain boys. When I recently queried my 14 year old about shopping with him in Aeropostale for a family photo shoot he said, "why're you all up in my grilz on this?" It worked. I went straight back to Liz Claiborne where I belong.

Suburban Kamikaze

We had jewelry-inspired tiebacks on the curtains a few years ago. Huge mistake in a house full of children. Now we just use bread ties.



Lucky you. Bread ties in my house are never seen again after the first slice. Perhaps if I used jewelry to secure the bread?


This adheres to Bossy's strict fashion guidelines, which equals cheap as shit.

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