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Audubon Ron

Hey babe. Yeah you, c’mere. Shhh, not so loud. Look, I noticed the hubster just went into the tile department. Why don’t you jump on this lumber cart and let me take you to Plumbing?

Suburban Kamikaze

If you want to pick up married women in Home Depot, you can start in the patio section, but then you move to the aisle with the How-To books. Trust me: Mr. Suburban Do-It-Yourselfer doesn't even know it's there...

Audubon Ron

Ha! You know I'm teasing. I love the wine glass. Nice touch. That pic made me laugh. Sorry, Mr.K, I couldn't resist.


They serve WINE at your Home Depot? They only serve hot dogs off a cart and Fanta at ours.

Suburban Kamikaze

It's a do-it-yourself vintage, but everything you need is right there...



Oh. Bossy's. Gah. What, no dark chocolate to really sex things up?

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