Please, do not even think of trying to compete with the Midwest for appalling regional delicacies*
Then again, this has got to be better than it sounds.
*Locution by SK reader Sue, who argued here, that hamballs to the contrary, the Midwest has plenty of competition. To which I can only say, slider stuffing? The envelope please.
There looks like a few spent slider shells in the background. My wife introduced me to pirogies. It's almost Dim Sum, almost.
Slider stuffing is hard to beat. I have a cookbook of my grandmother's from the 1950s that includes grainy, ill-focused black-and-white photos of food products accompanied by captions in rhymed couplets. One of them is a "meat ring." Even with caption, photo and recipe, I still don't know what a meat ring is. But it doesn't sound good. Ah, heartland cooking!
There looks like a few spent slider shells in the background. My wife introduced me to pirogies. It's almost Dim Sum, almost.
Posted by: Audubon Ron | November 25, 2009 at 07:36 AM
Slider stuffing is hard to beat. I have a cookbook of my grandmother's from the 1950s that includes grainy, ill-focused black-and-white photos of food products accompanied by captions in rhymed couplets. One of them is a "meat ring." Even with caption, photo and recipe, I still don't know what a meat ring is. But it doesn't sound good. Ah, heartland cooking!
Posted by: MommyTime | November 25, 2009 at 07:49 AM
That sounds just... appalling, even for an ARD. Therefore, instant classic, obviously.
Posted by: Sue | November 25, 2009 at 12:11 PM