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Audubon Ron

Look on the bright side kido, next year he'll be bringing home GIRLS!!!

I wish I was 15 again. Girls were so...is that my phone?

Gotta go.


Bloody great post. You know, minus the blood part.


Monkeyboy is twelve, and is quickly catching up with this "stage"... so thanks for telling me what to expect! I was starting to think I was just a bitch! ;)


Mine will be 14 in March.

His interests also include: finding ways to continue arguing with his younger sister-- incessantly--for days at a time, staying up as late as possible on school nights/sleeping-in as long as possible on school mornings, and sneaking candy and 2 liter bottles of soda into his room.

Isn't it time for boarding school yet?

Executive Suburbanite

Mine -- the one born three days after yours -- doesn't want a party either. wat up widdat?


Man, I dread these years. And I have 2 girls. Save me now!!!


This is the perfect sketch of life with a 14-year-old. I have one too. Sadly, texting is the only way to reach her at this point.


That was way too funny. Although I still have a few years, is that what I have to look forward to? Again way too funny!!!

Former Fat Chick

oh, I have to tell you it only gets worse...sorry. Mine turns 18 this month, and hit puberty at 11...ugh. At least the youngest one was a late bloomer, so has just now started getting this way. (he's 16)

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