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Manic Mommy

You know, SK, I adore you! For bringing it to 'the real.'

However, you're going to want to kick me in the ass when you read my review on BettyConfidential. I am cracking up at the idea of how you'll look as you read it. I wish we could sit together at the computer screen and laugh our asses off because you would be punching my lights out!

Come on. Yes, it was cheesy! But it was beautiful for the wee ones! : )


LOL!! We took our 7 and 4-year-old this weekend. And of course, it is my 4-year-old who is enamored by Troy. We are in troubs. The girls even dragged Hubby along, he and I laughed the entire time at all the pre-teen girls screaming whenever Troy came on the screen. Sick!

stevie d

Two times for me, opening weekend, though the second time i was mostly looking at my blackberry. I'm mad at Disney for focusing on the four kids for whom high school is NOT a living hell.

Suburban Kamikaze

Really Stevie? Because I thought they totally nailed the high school experience. That slutty burlesque routine in the hallways? That brought back memories.

And Manic, if you've got the cojones, and I know you do, come back and post the link...


Seriously, Jess

Is HSM awful? Without a doubt.

But is it a rite of passage for a young girl to watch these movies? Absolutely.

I remember watching these flicks over and over as a kid:

Shag the Movie: four high school girlfriends (Phoebe Cates, Bridget Fonda, Anabeth Gisth) have a wild weekend in 1963.

Satisfaction: a young, girl band (save a token flat-top guy) make it big. Stars: Justine Bateman, Liam Neeson and Julia Roberts.

Dirty Dancing: needs no explanation.

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