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Rattling the Kettle

80% chance he used performance enhancing drugs.


80% chance Douglas was thinking of power tools 20% of the time.

ok, where was I

A memoir of intimacy??? I can't even begin to think about how very unintimate it would all become after...oh, say day 50 in a row. And I'm being generous there, b/c truth be told, I don't know if I have much more than 2 1/2 straight weeks in me.


Ok, maybe in the first year of a relationship you have sex every day because it's all so new and intimate and exciting and fresh ... and no one is trying to make babies, or feed babies, or get up early for a big meeting before the promotion, or whatever. But PUH-LEEZ, this memoir makes me tired just from the title. I can't even imagine the "headache" I would get from reading it. And I love my husband, honest I do. But that Father's Day present has a secret little "I smell a book deal in the making" thought behind it all the way...


So what did he get for his 41st birthday? A break?


She should have had a Double Secret Escape Clause built in -- that if HE reneged, even once, the whole contract was null and void.

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