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Ok, Where Was I?

HILARIOUS. I'm so pumped for the belly pouch to come in style. Oh, no wait, first I want back fat, then the belly pouch to be in style. Then they'll all want all kinds of hoodies to cover that shit up, but I'll already have all of them.

Andrea @ Sweet Life

Now if only chipped TOE NAIL polish would hit the magazines, I'd be set.


laughing out loud- thanks for making my day - I am so far out I have finally come in style...


And visible bra straps? Puh-leeze. We invented the look, which, when paired with visible milk leakage and grape jelly smears, practically screams "mommy's got it going on."

This is screamingly funny. Did you notice how Charlotte in Sex in the City totally stole the mama pony-tail as purposeful hair fashion thing? And did we get any credit for that either? No. But we knew where the style came from. :)


You didn't mention hideous panty lines. Am I ahead of the curve on that one, too?!


This is too funny! Love it.


LOVE IT. What's wrong with the Mom Jean anyway. Oh. Right. I forgot. *gulp*

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