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Miss Britt

LOL, thank you.

My husband will be THRILLED.


Robert K


Knowing you as I do, SK, I suggest all this fawning attraction to the metro-sexual male is a put on. Do you fear that the other suburba-femi-bloggers will ride you out of cybertown on an empty case of merlot if you don’t give – er – lip service to the notion that what really warms your – er – heart is well-groomed cuticles?

Well you’re far more funny, trenchant, brave, well-written and clever than they are, so don’t let them push you around.

I happen to know Mr. Kamikaze from back in the day. Speaking as one retro-sexual recognizing another, I suggest that’s just what the girl likes, wants and – hey, I’ve gone this far – needs. A fellow who is too glossy just isn’t going to keep the train on the track, and thank God for that.

Golly. Did I just blow your cover?

Well, there's the trouble with us he-man, woman-lover types – that isn’t the sort of thing that bothers us much.

Now go tell Mr. Kamikaze you’ve been naughty, and see what he does about it.

suburban kamikaze

Look, RK,

I love a man in a toolbelt as well as the next woman... maybe even a little more - but seriously, we do look at your hands.


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