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Sarah is Ok

Awww. I thought this theme was just an urban legend. They don't really grow up and say things like this, right?

Miss Britt

Clearly you need to dig out the old baby in the bathwater pictures. Make up posters, T-shirts, matching napkins.

I mean, no matter what you do at that age, you'll embarrass them. At least this way you can say you tried.


Yeah, I heard that comment for the first time about two months ago -- from my six-year-old. But I deserve it, and it sounds like you don't. AACCKK! Maybe this year's party theme should be "The Fam," which is coincidentally the guest list, too. Best of luck.

P.S. If you have any Italian cream cakes you're not using . . .


black everything w/ some red thrown in for accent


black everything w/ some red thrown in for accent


i was wondering why i had to decipher the word thing twice. now i look tupid.

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